Monday, March 18, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

PROJECT: Deadline #2 - 3 body paragraphs

Have 3 body paragraphs finished by the beginning of class on Monday, March 18.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Homework: 1953 Iran coup d'etat

Date assigned
Monday, March 11

Read the "Despotism and Godless Terrorism" chapter from Stephen Kinzer's Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.  If you want an A, read the whole thing.  If you're satisfied with a B, start reading after the section break near the bottom of page 117.

If you want an A, answer all of the following questions.  If you're satisfied with a B, skip question #1.

1) John Foster Dulles was "shaped by three powerful influences: a uniquely privileged upbringing, a long career advising the world's richest corporations, and a profound religious faith."  How did those three factors shape Dulles's actions regarding Iran?

2) Describe the economic relationship between Britain and Iran prior to 1951.

3) What kind of man was Mohammad Mossadegh?  What made up his system of beliefs?

4) What happened in 1951 that changed the economic relationship between Britain and Iran?

5) How did Britain respond to this change in their economic relationship with Iran?

6) Describe the state of communism in Iran in the early 1950s under Mossadegh.

7) Why did John Foster Dulles thing that he would be able to work so easily with the CIA?

8) Why was the CIA needed to set the coup in motion?  Why couldn't America have just invaded Iran and overthrown Mossadegh using military force?

9) How popular was Mossadegh in Iran prior to CIA intervention? 

10) How did the CIA go about turning Iranian public opinion against Mossadegh?

Due date
Finish the reading by the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 12
Finish the questions by the beginning of class on Thursday, March 14

PROJECT: Deadline #1 - Intro paragraph

Have your intro paragraph finished by the beginning of class on Monday, March 11.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

PROJECT: A solution for Israel-Palestine

You will be writing a formal persuasive essay about Israel and Palestine.  Your topic will be a solution for the conflict.  You will be arguing for either a one-state solution of a two-state solution.  

Your paper should consider the following:

If you choose one-state solution:
·         Will the Gaza Strip be included?  Or will it only be a merging of Israel and the West Bank?
·         If Gaza is not included, will they become a part of Egypt?  Or will they be an independent nation?
·         Will Palestinians have the same rights as Israelis?  Will they have freedom of movement?  Freedom to live wherever they want?  Ability to apply for any job they want?
·         Will Palestinian political parties (Fatah, Hamas) be allowed to run for seats in the Israeli Knesset (legislature)?
·         Will the walls surrounding and intersecting the West Bank be knocked down?
·         What will the new country be called?  Will it still be Israel?  Will it revert to Palestine?  Will it be something new that will be acceptable to both Israelis and Palestinians?
·         Others

If you choose a two-state solution:
·         Will Gaza and the West Bank become a single country?  Or will this just be a two-state solution separating Israel and the West Bank?
·         If Gaza is not joined to the West Bank, will they become independent (the three-state solution)?  Or will they become a part of Egypt?
·         Which map will be used?  The 1967 map?  The 2000 offer from Israel (only 95% of the West Bank being given to Palestinians)?
·         How will the issue of Jerusalem be handled?
·         How will the issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank be handled?
·         Will the walls surrounding the West Bank be knocked down?
·         Will West Bank citizens be allowed to travel freely into Israel?  Or through Israel to get to Gaza?
·         Others

Your paper needs to explain why a one-state or two-state solution is better for all parties.  Why it is more realistic, why it is more likely to succeed, etc.  You will need to do research outside of class for this paper – we have not covered everything about this topic (if it’s even possible to do so). 

This paper should be at least 5 paragraphs, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, in MLA format.  It may be longer than 5 paragraphs, depending on the depth with which you choose to examine this subject.  You are also required to cite 5 sources from outside of class on a Works Cited page (in MLA format).  

We will be having many deadlines throughout the course of 3rd quarter related to this paper, but the final paper will be due on Thursday, April 4.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

In class/homework: Fatah & Hamas

Date assigned
Tuesday, March 5

Read, highlight, and annotate the following three articles:

1) New York Times on Fatah (link - make sure to click on the Read more... link at the bottom of the article to see the whole thing)
2) CNN on Hamas (link)
3) Council of Foreign Relations on Hamas (link)

Then answer the following questions:

1) List similarities and differences between Fatah and Hamas.

2) List the differences between the two Hamas articles. 

3) What are the potential problems for peace between Israel and Fatah?

4) What are the potential problems for peace between Israel and Hamas?

5) What are the potential problems for peace between Fatah and Hamas?

6) With what we've already learned, and what you've read in these articles, what hopes are there for peace between any two of these groups?  What about all three of them?

Due date
Thursday, March 7

Monday, March 4, 2013

Supplement: Gaza conflict and UN resolutions

Extra credit: "Tears of Gaza"

Date assigned
Monday, February 25


Watch the film "Tears of Gaza" (link here).

Answer the following questions in at least 2 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point font:

1) Relate the film to what we have learned in class about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

2) Explain how your thinking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was changed by this film.

3) Did you find the film to be biased?  If so, does that detract from the film's effectiveness?  Should a film about warfare be neutral?  Would it be possible to make a neutral documentary about Operation Cast Lead?

4) Did the graphic violence depicted in the film enhance or detract from its message?

5) Are you glad you watched this movie?  Why or why not?

Due date
Thursday, March 21

In class: Gaza-Israel Conflict links