Thursday, December 18, 2014

In class: Night and Fog free write

Date assigned
Thursday, Dec. 18

Watch "Night and Fog" -

Free write for 5-10 minutes on your choice of the following questions:

1) What image shocked you the most in this film?

2) How do people do things like this to each other?

3) What is evil?  Was everyone involved in the Holocaust evil?

4) How is this film different from other movies and books about the Holocaust that you've studied?  How is it different?

5) Can this happen again?  Why or why not?

Due date
Thursday, Dec. 18, end of class

Monday, December 15, 2014

In class: Fog of War free write

Date assigned
Monday, Dec. 15

Watch the clip from Fog of War:

We started at 30:05 and stopped at 43:05.

Then write a response to the following two questions that McNamara himself asks during the film:

1) "In order to win a war, should you kill 100,000 civilians in a single night?"

2) "What makes it immoral if you lose, but not immoral if you win?"

Due dateMonday, Dec. 15, end of class

Friday, December 12, 2014