Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In class/homework: Bush's War

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 24

Finish watching the PBS Frontline episode "Bush's War" that we started in class: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/bushswar/view/

Period 1 - start at 59:50
Period 3 - start at 1:01:50
Period 4 - start at 59:00

Take notes while watching on the following question: Why did the US government invade Iraq after 9/11?

In at least 500 words, answer the following on the Google group:

According to this episode of Frontline, why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?  Mention as many reasons as you can.

Due date
Monday, March 2

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Homework: Osama bin Laden's letter to America

Date assigned
Thursday, February 19

Read the first half of Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" found here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1esu-SoNEey3ItlraTDA5wbBvfqdZ0GkSCMRAsb-WJkE/pub - you can read the second half if you want, but it's not required). 

In no less than 500 words, answer the following:

1) Summarize bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the United States.  Why did he do it?

2) Based on bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the US, do you think this attack could have been prevented?  If so, how?

3) Can you reason with religious fanatics?  If so, how?  If not, then how else can they be dealt with?

Due date
Monday, February 23

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homework: Iran-Iraq War

Date assigned
Thursday, February 12

1) Read this summary of the Iran-Iraq War: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fci2HXL5gdx4xzT657Z93UoLkWHrttwEJuPnrSNqX3g/pub

2) Answer the following questions in at least 300 words:

  • In your opinion, should the United States get involved in conflicts between two other countries?  Why or why not?

  • Based on what you know of the Cold War, why do you think the United States got involved in the Iran-Iraq War?

Post your response to the Google Group.

Due date
Tuesday, February 17

Thursday, February 5, 2015

In class/homework: Partitioning the Ottoman Empire

Date assigned
Thursday, February 5

1) Read the history of the Ottoman Empire and viewing maps of the region: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pDypL_Bc3YLWELny-xmY814rDp3d8pVvxMaYSCAGoRs/pub

2) Look at the way the British and French actually split up Ottoman territory after World War I: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12Ms-i7M3vUsS8xTECb827SQBeCZ4--ZLxi9Kz_ZbL70/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

3) Do it better than France and Britain did!  Divide the Ottoman territory between Turkey and Saudi Arabia into 6 countries.  Minimize conflict between religious group, ethnic groups, and over natural resources.  Make a rough draft and a final draft.  Bring to class.

4) Write a summary (400 words minimum) of the strengths and weaknesses of your map.  Identify possible areas of conflict, as well as explaining why it is better than the map created by France and Britain.  Post on the Google Group.

Due date
Monday, February 9

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

In class: Islam 101 slide notes

In class/homework: Islam: Empire of Faith (Part 1)

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 3

Watch the rest of Part 1 of "Islam: Empire of Faith" (whatever we didn't finish in class).

Period 2 - from 24:00 to the end
Period 3 - from 17:00 to the end
Period 4 - from 13:00 to the end

You can find the film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX3UHNhQ1Zk

Due date
Thursday, February 5