Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homework: Imperialism documents

Date assigned
Thursday, September 27

Read, highlight/underline, and annotate 4 primary source documents from the era of imperialism:

- British Contract with an African King (link)
- Letter Opposing the English (link)
- In Favor of Imperialism (link)
- The White Man's Burden (link)

Answer the questions attached to each of the first 3 documents (you will need pages 357-360 in your textbook to answer the 3rd question for Letter Opposing the English).

For The White Man's Burden, write a 1 page interpretation of the poem.  Is it meant seriously or sarcastically?  What does it show about the attitudes of Europeans and Americans in 1899?  Use evidence from the text, and reference discussions we've had in class.

Make sure to look up words you don't know and write their definitions in your annotation!

Due date
Monday, October 1, beginning of class

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In class: Imperialism slide notes

The Imperialism slide notes from Tuesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 27 are located here.

Monday, September 24, 2012

In class: Colonialism slide notes

The Colonialism slide notes from Monday, September 24 are located here.

In class: Industrial Revolution slide notes

The Industrial Revolution slide notes from Tuesday, September 11, and Thursday, September 13, are located here.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework: Industrial Revolution reforms

Date assigned
Thursday, September 20

Read pages 300-306 in your textbook.  Write a 1.5 page summary (typed, double spaced, 12 point font) of the reforms that came out of the Industrial Revolution and the people and groups that worked on those reforms.

Due date
Monday, September 24, beginning of class

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In class: Industrial Revolution recommendations

Date assigned
Tuesday, September 18

You are making recommendations to the British government about how the worst aspects of the Industrial Revolution could be improved.  Consider all of the negatives we discussed in class, and make three lists:
  1. Things the government could have done to improve conditions
  2. Things businesses and factories could have done to improve conditions
  3. Things the working poor could have done to improve conditions

Due date
Tuesday, September 18, end of class

Homework: Engels and Marx

Date assigned
Tuesday, September 18

Read, highlight/underline, and annotate the readings from Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx:

- The Conditions of the Working Class in England (no link)
- Excerpts from The Communist Manifesto:

Due date
Thursday, September 20

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework: Industrial Revolution document questions

Date assigned
Thursday, September 13

Read, highlight/underline, and annotate 3 of the 4 documents from the Industrial Revolution packet (your choice which 3 documents to do):

- Britain's Industrial Advantage and the Factory System (no link)
- Women Miners in the English Coal Pits 
- Child worker testimony (read only Matthew Crabtree, Elizabeth Bentley, and Peter Smart)
- Prostitution in Victorian London (no link)

Answer 4 questions for each document.

Due date
Highlighting/underlining and annotation due Monday, September 17
Questions due Tuesday, September 18

In class: Enlightenment slide notes

The Enlightenment slide notes from Thursday, September 6 are located here.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework: Tyranny

Date assigned
Monday, September 10

Read John Locke's thoughts on tyranny - Chapter 18, Section 202, and Chapter 19, Sections 212, 222, and 225.  Highlight/underline and annotate the document, and then write a summary of Locke's belief in each of the 4 sections.

Due date
Highlighting/annotating = Tuesday, September 11
Summary = Thursday, September 13

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Homework: John Locke

Date assigned
Thursday, September 6

Read the first 4 pages of this excerpt of John Locke's "Second Treatise on Government" (1690).  Highlight/underline and annotate the document as you read it.  Then, on a separate sheet of paper (or Word doc), summarize Locke's beliefs, section by section.  (For example: "In Chapter IX, Section 126, Locke is saying that...")  Your summary should be at least 1 page, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font.

Due date
Monday, September 10, beginning of class

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The course syllabus can be found here.

Please show it to your parent/guardian and return a signed copy to class on Thursday, September 6.