Wednesday, December 16, 2015

In class: Fog of War free write

Date assigned
Wednesday, Dec. 16

Watch the clip from Fog of War:

We started at 30:48 and stopped at 43:15.

Then write a response to the following two questions that McNamara himself asks during the film:

1) "In order to win a war, should you kill 100,000 civilians in a single night?"

2) "What makes it immoral if you lose, but not immoral if you win?"

Due date

Wednesday, Dec. 16, end of class

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homework: Chapter 16.3 outline

Date assigned
Thursday, December 10

Read chapter 16.3 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (9 total sentences).

Due date
Friday, December 18, beginning of class