Friday, June 7, 2013

TEST: Review questions

The final exam is on Tuesday, June 11.  The review questions can be found here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

In class: China's economic miracle


New South America map:

New Asia map:

Homework: China's economic miracle

Date assigned
Thursday, June 6

Read "China's economic miracle: the high price of progress" (link here).  Answer the following questions in a 1 page response:

1) What decisions did the Chinese government make that led to their current status as an economic power?

2) What problems does the Chinese government face going forward?

3) How would you recommend that the Chinese government handle these problems?

Due date
Monday, June 10

In class/homework: Sandinista policy decisions

Date assigned
Thursday, May 30

Read the Sandinista policy dilemmas that we did not finish in class.  Write a detailed recommendation for each of them.

Due date
Monday, June 3