Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENT: Names on papers

From now on, I will be taking 10% off of any and all assignments that are turned in without a name written on them.

You have been warned.

In class: Film - "Chinatown, Africa"

Date assigned
Tuesday, Oct. 30

Watch "Chinatown, Africa" (link here).  Write 10 questions you have while watching the movie.

Due date
2nd and 3rd period - Tuesday, Oct. 30, end of class
4th period - Thursday, Nov. 1, end of class

Monday, October 29, 2012

In class: Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Date assigned
Monday, Oct. 29

Look up the definition of "neocolonialism."  Read the prologue of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, but John Perkins (link here).  Be prepared to discuss the reading in class on Thursday, Nov. 1.  If you missed class on Monday the 29th, Tuesday the 30th, or Thursday the 1st, print out and highlight and annotate the reading.

Due date
Thursday, Nov. 1, beginning of class.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

In class: Hoop Dreams 15 years later

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 18

Read three articles about Hoop Dreams:

1) Hoop Dreams, 15 years later - link

2) The Great American Documentary - link

3) The death of Arthur's father - link

Then answer the following questions:

1) What is Hoop Dreams about?  How many different things is it about?
2) What issues does Hoop Dreams raise about American society?
3) How did Hoop Dreams change your perspective?  What did it make you think about that you haven’t considered before?  How did it change your thinking?
4) Of all the films we could have chosen to show you yesterday, why did we choose Hoop Dreams?
5) How could the lives of William, Arthur, and all of the other people in the film have been improved? 
6) Can poverty be eliminated?  If so, how?  If not, why not?
7) Discuss the idea of athletes as role models.  Why are athletes idolized?  Should athletes be idolized?  Why don’t teenagers have posters of scientists or writers or journalists on the walls of their bedrooms?

Due date
Thursday, Oct. 18, end of class


In class: Film - "Vice Guide to Congo"

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 25

Watch "The Vice Guide to Congo" (link here).  Write 10 questions you have about what you see in the movie.

More info about the film can be found on the Vice website: http://www.vice.com/vice-news/the-vice-guide-to-congo-1

Due date
Thursday, Oct. 25, end of class

ANNOUNCEMENT: 1% infractions

From now on, I will be taking 1% off from your assignments every time I see one of the infractions listed here.

You have been warned.

If you need help with proofreading prior to turning an assignment in, ask me or your parents to help you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Homework: The Congo - resources, war, and elections

Date assigned
Tuesday, October 23

Read this article on the Congo 50 years after Lumumba's speech.  Highlight/underline and annotate the article.

Due date
Thursday, October 25

In class: Lumumba's speech

Date assigned
Tuesday, October 23

Read Patrice Lumumba's speech (link here) from the day the Congo got independence from Belgium.  Answer the following questions:

1) What are the themes of Lumumba's speech?  Use examples from the text.

2) How do you think the people of the Congo reacted to the speech?  Use examples from the text.

3) How do you think the Belgian government reacted to the speech?  Use examples from the text.

4) 1960 was the height of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.  Belgium was an ally of the United States, and sold many of the resources they harvested in the Congo to the United States.  How do you think the United States government reacted to the speech?  Use examples from the text.

Finally, read this editorial from the New York Times in 2011 to see how Belgium and the United States actually reacted to Lumumba's speech.

Due date
Tuesday, October 23, end of class

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homework: The Reckoning

Date assigned
Tuesday, October 16

Read, highlight/underline, and annotate a section from King Leopold's Ghost entitled "The Reckoning."  Answer the 12 questions attached to the reading about Belgian imperialism in the Congo.

Due date
Highlighting & annotating - Monday, October 22
Questions - Tuesday, October 23

Homework: The Wood That Weeps

Date assigned
Tuesday, October 16

Read, highlight/underline, and annotate a section from King Leopold's Ghost entitled "The Wood That Weeps."  Answer the 12 questions attached to the reading about Belgian imperialism in the Congo.

Due date
Highlighting & annotating - Thursday, October 18
Questions - Tuesday, October 23

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework: Shell oil in Nigeria

Date assigned
Thursday, October 11

Read the handouts about Shell's involvement with the oil industry in the Ogoni region of Nigeria (links here and here).  Write at least 1.5 pages on the following opinion questions:

1) Should Shell have been punished for their actions in Nigeria?  Why or why not?
2) What should Shell’s punishment have been?  Explain your answer.
3) What was the worst thing Shell did?  Explain your answer.
4) What responsibilities do international corporations have when they harvest natural resources in places like Nigeria?  Explain your answer.
5) What responsibilities do national governments have when they allow international corporations like Shell to harvest natural resources in their country?  Explain your answer.

Further resources:
Youtube video - http://youtu.be/N10wAPhDJAM
Photo essay - http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/06/nigeria-the-cost-of-oil/100082/

Further readings:

Due date
Tuesday, October 16, beginning of class

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In class: Nigeria slide presentations

Pre-colonial Nigeria (Tuesday, October 2nd) can be found here.

Colonial Nigeria (Thursday, October 4th) can be found here.

Nigerian independence (Tuesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 11th) can be found here.

Project: Africa film assignment

The culminating project for the Africa unit - due Tuesday, November 6 - can be found here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In class: Nigerian spoke diagram

Date assigned
Tuesday, Oct. 2

Read about life in Nigeria prior to the arrival of the British for 1 of 3 cultures: the Yoruba, the Igbo, or the Hausa-Fulani.  Create a spoke diagram about the 6 main aspects or their society: Location/Environment, Shelter/Food/Clothing, Political Organization, Family Structure, Religion/Belief System, and Economy.

Due date
Tuesday, Oct. 2, end of class