Monday, February 27, 2017

In class: Current events

Date assigned
Monday, February 27

In small groups, use your phones to research 5 current events (something that has happened in 2017, related to politics/international relations/conflict/protest - sports and entertainment don't count as current events).

- 3 should be about the United States.

- 1 should be about Israel/Palestine.

- 1 should be about another country in the Middle East besides Israel/Palestine.

For each current event, answer the following questions on a piece of paper:

1) What is happening?

2) Why is it important?  Why are you interested in this?

3) What do you think might happen next?  What do you hope happens next?

Due date
Wednesday, March 1, beginning of class

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

In class: "5 Broken Cameras"

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 21

If you missed class, first sign up for an account at - it's free.  Then finish watching "5 Broken Cameras" - 

When you finish the film, write a response for 7-8 minutes (if you miss class, your response should be at least 250 words typed and emailed to me).  Your response can be about anything, but if you get stuck, here are some possible topics:

Your reactions - What surprised you about this film?  What disturbed you about this film?  What was the most tragic thing about this film?  What is going to stick with you from this film?

Emad - Should Emad have quit filming and protesting when his wife Soraya asked him to?  What reasons did he have to quit at that point?  What reasons did he have to continue protesting and filming?  What would you have done if you had been in his situation?

Gibreel Why does the film focus so much on Gibreel (Emad's youngest son)?  What purpose does it serve when telling the story of the town of Bil'in?  What does Gibreel represent?  What is the rest of his life going to be like?  How has his view of the world been shaped?  What are his attitudes about the world going to be like when he gets older?

America - What is America's role in this movie?  Is America responsible for anything that happens in this film?  Could America stop what is happening in this film?  Can you think of similar situations to what is happening in the West Bank that have happened in American history?  What about in America today?

Due date
Thursday, February 23, end of class

Friday, February 17, 2017

3rd quarter final project - Middle East research paper

3rd quarter final project - Middle East country research paper

You will be writing a research paper on a country of your choice in the Middle East.  You may pick a country from the following list: Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey.

You will then choose a period of time to research: pre-colonial (prior to European interference), colonial (during European interference), or post-colonial (after gaining independence from European interference).

Option #1 - Pre-colonial history - What was society like in your country before Europeans arrived?  What religion(s) was (were) practiced?  Did different religious groups get along, or was there religious tension?  What was the culture like?  How was the government structured?  Did people have freedom of religion?  Did people have any power in the government?  What ethnic groups lived in your country?  Did those groups get along, or was there ethnic tension?  What was life like for the average person?  How did your country interact with the outside world?

Option #2 - Colonial history and independence - Was your country a colony of a European power during the 1800s and 1900s?  When/how did your country become a colony?  What was life like for people in your country under colonialism?  What changes did the Europeans cause in your country as a result of colonialism?  Border changes?  Religious/cultural changes?  Governmental system changes?  Are some of those changes still evident in your country today?  Does your country still have a close relationship with their European colonizer today?  How and when did your country get independence from colonialism?  Was it a rocky transition to independence, with a civil war or a war against the European country?  Or was it smooth and non-violent?  How did the Cold War (1945-1991) affect your country?  Did your country take the side of the US or the USSR, or was it neutral?  Did the government of your country get financial or military aid from either side?  Was your country the site of a proxy war?

Option #3 - Post-colonial (or the last 30 years if your country was not colonized by Europe) - Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, how has your country’s government treated its citizens?  Do the people have the right to protest/express their political beliefs?  Freedom of religion?  Freedom from torture/death?  Are there any minorities groups (gay/lesbian, transgender, religious, ethnic) that are not treated equally?  Do people get to vote?  Overall, do citizens have more freedom or less freedom than they had in the 1980s?  How has extremism affected your country?  What is the nature of that extremism?  Is the government run by extremists?  Terrorist attacks?  How has the government responded?  How has armed conflict affected your country?  Has your country been invaded?  Has your country attacked another nation?  Has there been a civil war?  How was that conflict resolved/how is it being resolved?  Does your country benefit from its own natural resources, or are they enriching other nations?  Is their economy getting better?  Are they getting enough food?  Are the lives of people in your country improving?  What, if anything, are they still recovering from that stemmed from the colonial and/or Cold War era?  
The paper
Your paper will consist of 5 sections: an introduction, 3 body sections (multiple paragraphs in each section), and a conclusion.  The first section is an introduction paragraph on your country, and will explain the scope of your topic and time period.  The second, third, and fourth sections are up to you to choose from the list below.  The fifth section will be a conclusion, both summarizing your paper and looking at the problems and issues your country is facing going forward.

1) Introduction -  What time period have you chosen, and what is going to be discussed in your paper?

2) Body section #1 - First main topic

3) Body section #2 - Second main topic

4) Body section #3 - Third main topic

5) Conclusion - Wrap up your paper by talking about what happened just after the time period you looked at.  If your paper is pre-colonial, speak to the beginning of colonialism.  If your paper is colonial, speak to post-colonial developments.  If your paper is about the last 30 years, speak to the main issues facing your country in the future.     

Due dates

Tuesday, February 21: Due date #1 - Email your country choice to Mr. Reinholt

Monday, February 27: Due date #2 - Email Body Section #1 (your choice, minimum 350 words) of your paper to Mr. Reinholt with 3 sources

Tuesday, March 7: Due date #3 - Email Body Section #2 (your choice, minimum 350 words) of your paper to Mr. Reinholt with 3 new sources

Monday, March 13: Due date #4 - Email Body Section #3 (your choice, minimum 350 words) of your paper to Mr. Reinholt with 3 new sources

Friday, March 17: Due date #5 - Email the introduction (minimum 225 words) of your paper to Mr. Reinholt

Thursday, March 23: Due date #6 - Email the conclusion (minimum 225 words) of your paper to Mr. Reinholt and bring multiple paper copies of your entire rough draft to class for peer editing

Final 1,500-word paper (and works consulted page

with at least 9 sources) due on Monday, April 3

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Homework: Chapter outline 18.4

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 14

Read chapter 18.4 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (12 total sentences).

Due date
Thursday, February 16, beginning of class

Friday, February 10, 2017

Homework: Chapter 16.3 outline

Date assigned
Friday, February 10

Read chapter 16.3 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (9 total sentences).

Due date
Tuesday, February 14, beginning of class

OPTIONAL: Night and Fog

In other years, I show this documentary about the Holocaust to my freshman classes.  This year, due to snow, I had to cut it from the curriculum.  However, if you want to watch it, here is the link:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

In class/homework: Re-mapping the Middle East

Date assigned
Wednesday, February 8

1) Read the history of the Ottoman Empire and study the maps of the region:

2) Look at the way the British and French actually split up Ottoman territory after World War I:

3) Do it better than France and Britain did!  Divide the Ottoman territory between Turkey and Saudi Arabia into 6 countries.  Minimize conflict between religious group, ethnic groups, and over natural resources.  Make a rough draft and a final draft.  Bring to class.

4) Write a summary (300 words minimum) of the strengths and weaknesses of your map.  Identify possible areas of conflict, as well as explaining why it is better than the map created by France and Britain.  Email to

Due date
Friday, February 10, beginning of class

Monday, February 6, 2017

In class: Islam 101 slide notes

In class/homework: Empire of Faith

Date assigned
Monday, February 6

Watch the rest of Part 1 of "Islam: Empire of Faith" (whatever we didn't finish in class).

Period 2 - from 14:45 to the end
Period 3 - from 25:00 to the end
Period 4 - from 29:30 to the end

You can find the film here:

Write 10 questions that occur to you while watching the film.  Turn your questions in on Wednesday at the beginning of class.

Due date
Wednesday, February 8