Sunday, September 25, 2016

In class/homework: Colonialism/imperialism documents

Date assigned
Monday, September 26

Read the 3 documents from the era of colonialism and imperialism:

British Contract with an African King: Answer all 3 questions

Letter Opposing the English: Answer only questions 1 and 2

In Favor of Imperialism: Answer all 3 questions

Due date
Friday, September 30

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Homework: Chapter 11.1 outline

Date assigned
Thursday, September 22

Read chapter 11.1 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (14 total sentences).

Due date

Monday, September 26, beginning of class

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Homework: Chapter 9.4 outline

Date assigned

Tuesday, Sep 20

Read chapter 9.4 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (18 total sentences).

Due date
Thursday, Sep 22, beginning of class

Friday, September 16, 2016

In class: Improving life for the working class

Date assigned
Friday, Sep 20

Read "The Conditions of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels:

Make a list of 10 laws the government could have passed or changed that would have made life better for the working class during the Industrial Revolution.

Due date
Friday, Sep 20, end of class

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

In class/homework: Industrial Revolution documents

Date assigned
Wednesday, Sept. 14

Read 4 primary source documents about the Industrial Revolution, and answer 4 questions for each document:

Britain's Industrial Advantage -

Child Worker Testimony -

Women coal miners -

Prostitution in Victorian London -

Questions due the beginning of class on Tuesday.  Be prepared to discuss.  

Due date
Tuesday, September 20

Homework: Chapter outline 9.2

Date assigned
Monday, September 12

Read chapter 9.2 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (10 total sentences).

Due date
Friday, September 16, beginning of class

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Homework: Chapter outline 9.1

Date assigned
Thursday, September 8

Read chapter 9.1 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (14 total sentences).

Due date
Monday, September 12, beginning of class

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Homework: Chapter outline 6.2

Date assigned
Thursday, September 1

Read chapter 6.2 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (14 total sentences).

Due date
Tuesday, September 6, beginning of class

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Password reset info

Here's the email I received regarding resetting your password:

Student Accounts: PASSWORD RESET
As of August 16 PPS has reset all student passwords, so each student will need to create a new passwordWe would greatly appreciate the help of our parent community for this task by having your student do this before school starts!
After August 16, please have your student follow these instructions:
Student usernames remain the same: first initial of first name + last name + last 4 digits of student ID.
Example: jdoe3456
The reset password will follow this setup: Pps###### (#=full student ID#)
Please use to set up the question/answer profile so your student can perform self-service password resets. This can be done at home or on any mobile device. Besides being a great lesson in digital literacy for them, it eliminates the need for teachers and staff to reset student passwords.  
The new password must fit this complexity policy:
Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and have at least three of the following:
  • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
  • English lowercase characters (a through z)
  • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
  • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
  • No portion of their username may be used as their password
To login to any school computer:
Username: jdoe3456
Password: New Password
To login to a school Google account or Chromebook:
Password: New Password
(NOTE: Students should NOT use their personal Google accounts for school work. They should use the one provided by the district. This is a requirement to use some features such as Google Classroom.)
*Students will be able to access the StudentVUE mobile app again starting August 22, and will need to use their new passwords.
*Students registered after August 12 and who do not have an account, or those who are not able to complete this passwordchange may contact Luke Wisher by email at or in room 120 or the got to the Library after school starts.