Friday, June 2, 2017

In class: Tank Man questions

Date assigned
Friday, June 2

Watch "Tank Man" in class:

Write down 10 questions you think of while watching.

Due date
Friday, June 2, end of class

Thursday, June 1, 2017



Tuesday, June 13th
Period 1          8:15-9:45
Period 2        9:50-11:20
Lunch         11:20-12:05
Period 4        12:10-1:40
Flex                1:45-3:15

Wednesday, June 14th
Period 5          8:15-9:45
Period 6        9:50-11:20
Lunch         11:20-12:05
Period 8        12:10-1:40
Flex                1:45-3:15

Thursday, June 15th
Period 3          8:15-9:45
Period 7        9:50-11:20
Lunch         11:20-12:05
Flex                12:10-3:15

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

In class: Chapter 17.2 outline

Date assigned
Friday, May 26

Read chapter 17.2 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (13 total sentences).

Due date
Friday, May 26, end of class

In class: Chapter 14.3 outline

Date assigned
Friday, May 26

Read chapter 14.3 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (11 total sentences).

Due date
Friday, May 26, end of class

Thursday, May 25, 2017

In class: Opium Wars

Date assigned
Wednesday, May 24

Read and answer questions about the Opium Wars between Britain and China:

Due date
Wednesday, May 24, end of class

In class: Chapter 12.1 outline

Date assigned
Wednesday, May 24

Read chapter 12.1 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (11 total sentences).

Due dateWednesday, May 24, end of class

Monday, May 22, 2017

Country Driving reading schedule

Monday, May 22 - 123-133
Tuesday, May 23 - 134-144
QUIZ #1 - Wednesday, May 24
Wednesday, May 24 - 145-155
Thursday, May 25 - 156-166
QUIZ #2 - Friday, May 26
Friday, May 26 - 167-177
Saturday, May 27 - 178-188
Sunday, May 28 - 189-199
Monday, May 29 - 200-210
Tuesday, May 30 - 211-221
QUIZ #3 - Wednesday, May 31
Wednesday, May 31 - 222-232
Thursday, June 1 - 233-243
QUIZ #4 - Friday, June 2
Friday, June 2 - 244-254
Saturday, June 3 - 255-265
Sunday, June 4 - 266-276

QUIZ #5 - Tuesday, June 6

4th quarter final project

Date assigned
Monday, May 22

Pick one of the final projects we've already done this year - either the propaganda project or the country research paper.  If you do a propaganda project, it needs to be on something that we've studied during 2nd semester (Middle East, Latin America, or China).  If you do a research paper, you have to clear your choice of country with me first.

Propaganda project instructions:

Propaganda examples:

Country research paper instructions:

Due date
Monday, June 12

Friday, May 12, 2017

Homework: Your Princess is in Another Castle

Date assigned
Friday, May 12

Read "Your Princess is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds"

Write a one-page response and be ready to discuss in class on Tuesday.

Due date
Tuesday, May 16, beginning of class

Thursday, May 11, 2017

In class/homework: Career clusters interest survey

Date assigned
Friday, May 12

Take the career clusters interest survey:

After adding up all the points, write your top 3 careers at the end.  These are the career areas that you will talk to during the career fair next week.

Due date
Tuesday, May 16

In class: Cuban slide presentations

In class: Cascadia embargo

Date assigned
Wednesday, May 10

Instructions here:

Due date
Wednesday, May 10, end of class

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

In class/homework: Bound for Goo-Goo Land

Date assigned
Tuesday, May 2

Read "Bound for Goo-Goo Land" in small groups. Answer the following questions on your own piece of paper:

1) Describe at least 3 reasons the United States was interested in Cuba during the second half of the 1890s.

2) What was the Teller Amendment?  Why was it enacted?

3) What role did the media play in the Spanish-American War?  What modern event does this remind you of?

4) Why did the United States refuse to follow the Teller Amendment?

5) What was the Platt Amendment?  Why was it enacted?

6) In your opinion, did the United States treat Cuba worse than it treated countries like Iran, Guatemala, and Chile during the Cold War?  Why?

Due date
Thursday, May 4

Friday, April 28, 2017

In class: Sandinista policy dilemmas

Date assigned
Friday, April 28

Read the handout "Sandinista Policy Dilemmas."  In groups, discuss the policy dilemmas and write down your answers and explanations to what you think the Sandinistas should have done.

Due date
Friday, April 28, end of class

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

In class/homework: Imagine You Were a Nicaraguan

Date assigned
Wednesday, April 26

View the Nicaraguan slide notes, located here:

Read the handout "Imagine You Were a Nicaraguan..." located here:

Answer the question at the end of the reading in at least one handwritten page.  If you don't finish in class, it becomes homework.  

Due date
Friday, April 28

In class: Immigration free write

Date assigned
Tuesday, April 18

Watch "Crossing Mexico's Other Border" located here:

Free write for 4 minutes about the video.  What surprised you about it?  How did it change your perception of immigration?

Then watch "The Fruits of Mexico's Cheap Labor" located here: 

Free write for 4 more minutes about the second video.  What surprised you about it?  How did it change your perception?  

Finally, watch "Immigrant America: The High Cost of Deporting Parents" located here:

Free write for 4 more minutes about the third video.  What surprised you about it?  How did it change your perception?

Due date
Tuesday, April 18, end of class

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

In class/homework: We're Going To Smash Him

Date assigned
Monday, April 24

Read "We're Going to Smash Him" about the 1973 coup in Chile.  Answer the following questions.  Turn in by the beginning of class on Wednesday, April 26.
1) Summarize the methods the United States used to remove Salvador Allende from office.
2) How were the methods the United States used to remove Allende from office similar to the methods the United States used to remove Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz from office?  How were they different?
3) Why did the United States want to remove Allende from power?
4) Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she considers former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to be an important foreign policy influence on her.  Does this make you more likely to support Clinton or less likely to support Clinton?  Why?

Due date
Wednesday, April 26, beginning of class

In class/homework: Get Rid Of This Stinker

Date assigned
Thursday, April 20

Read "Get Rid of This Stinker" about the 1954 coup in Guatemala.  Answer the following questions.  Turn in by the beginning of class on Monday, April 24.
1) Summarize the methods the United States used to remove Jacobo Arbenz from office.
2) How were the methods the United States used to remove Arbenz from office similar to the methods the United States used to remove Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh from office?  How were they different?
3) Why did the United States want to remove Arbenz from power?
4) Why do you think the Guatemalan people remember Arbenz so fondly that 100,000 of them turned out for his funeral 24 years after he died?

Due date
Monday, April 24, beginning of class

Friday, April 14, 2017

In class/homework: Mexican Revolution propaganda poster

Date assigned
Friday, April 14

After reading "Seeds of Revolution," create a propaganda poster about the Mexican Revolution.  After finishing your poster, answer the following questions:

1) Who is the author of your poster? 

2) Who is the audience for your poster?

3) What is the message your poster is trying to convey?

4) What methods did you use in your poster to convey your message?

5) Why did you choose the topic that you chose?

Due date
Poster - beginning of class, Tuesday, April 18
Questions - end of class, Tuesday, April 18

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

In class: The Rise of ISIS

Date assigned
Monday, April 10

Watch "The Rise of ISIS" -

While watching, write 10 questions that occur to you.

Due date
Monday, April 10, end of class

In class: Mexican Revolution

Date assigned
Wednesday, April 12

Read "Seeds of Revolution" and chapter 12.4 in groups of 3.  Answer the following questions as a group:

1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution?

2) Why were there 4 distinct phases of the revolution?

3) What was accomplished?

4) What goals were not met?

5) Why did the Mexican Revolution take so long?

6) Why did it end? 

7) What similarities can you see between the Mexican Revolution and the American Revolution? 

8) What differences can you see between the Mexican Revolution and the American Revolution?

Due date
Wednesday, April 12, end of class

Monday, March 20, 2017

In class: Guantanamo Bay

Date assigned
Friday, March 17

Read three articles about prisoners at Guantanamo Bay:

My Guantanamo Nightmare and Notes From A Guantanamo Survivor:

Gitmo Is Killing Me:

Due date
Friday, March 17, end of class

Monday, March 13, 2017

In class: Bush's War

Date assigned
Monday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 15

Start watching the PBS Frontline episode "Bush's War" in class on Monday, finish on Wednesday:

Period 6 - We got to 30:10 on Monday, March 13, and then continued to 1:03:40 on Wednesday, March 15
Period 7 - start at 35:30 on Monday, March 13, and then continued to 1:03:30 on Wednesday, March 15
Period 8 - start at 34:45 on Monday, March 13, and then continued to 1:03:30 on Wednesday, March 15

Due date
Wednesday, March 15

Thursday, March 9, 2017

In class: Osama bin Laden's letter to America

Date assigned
Thursday, March 9

Read an exceprt of Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" found here -  

In no less than 300 words, answer the following:

1) Summarize bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the United States.  Why did he do it?

2) What was bin Laden demanding from Americans?

3) Based on bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the US, do you think the 9/11 attack could have been prevented?  If so, how?  If not, why not?

4) Can you reason with religious fanatics?  If so, how?  If not, then how else can they be dealt with?

Due date
Thursday, March 9, end of class

Thursday, March 2, 2017

In class: Soviet-Afghan War group questions

Date assigned
Wednesday, March 1

Read the excerpt from the Soviet-Afghan War chapter of Stephen Kinzer's Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq as homework.  When class starts, show the sub your notes so they can be checked off.  Then get into groups of 3 and discuss the reading.  Answer the following questions on a group piece of paper with as much detail as you can with a rotating recorder:

1) Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979?

2) Why did the United States decide to get involved?

3) What did the United States do to support Afghanistan against Soviet invasion?  

4) How and why was Pakistan involved in America's support of Afghanistan?  What was the deal America made with Pakistan?

5) How did Saudi Arabia get involved in this conflict?  What was the deal the Saudis made with America?  What did the Saudis build in Pakistan?

6) The Taliban took over Afghanistan after the end of the war.  How was that group created?  What were their beliefs?  What did they do after they took over Afghanistan?  Why did the United States tolerate them?

7) What were the unintended consequences of American action in the Soviet-Afghan War?  How have those actions affected America since the end of the Soviet-Afghan War?  How do they affect America today?

8) Who won the Soviet-Afghan War?  Who lost?

9) We've now looked at a number of American decisions that have resulted in unintended consequences.  In your opinion, should the United States intervene in international conflicts that do not directly relate to America?  Why or why not?

10) What surprised you most about this reading?

Due date
End of class on Friday, March 3

Monday, February 27, 2017

In class: Current events

Date assigned
Monday, February 27

In small groups, use your phones to research 5 current events (something that has happened in 2017, related to politics/international relations/conflict/protest - sports and entertainment don't count as current events).

- 3 should be about the United States.

- 1 should be about Israel/Palestine.

- 1 should be about another country in the Middle East besides Israel/Palestine.

For each current event, answer the following questions on a piece of paper:

1) What is happening?

2) Why is it important?  Why are you interested in this?

3) What do you think might happen next?  What do you hope happens next?

Due date
Wednesday, March 1, beginning of class

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

In class: "5 Broken Cameras"

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 21

If you missed class, first sign up for an account at - it's free.  Then finish watching "5 Broken Cameras" - 

When you finish the film, write a response for 7-8 minutes (if you miss class, your response should be at least 250 words typed and emailed to me).  Your response can be about anything, but if you get stuck, here are some possible topics:

Your reactions - What surprised you about this film?  What disturbed you about this film?  What was the most tragic thing about this film?  What is going to stick with you from this film?

Emad - Should Emad have quit filming and protesting when his wife Soraya asked him to?  What reasons did he have to quit at that point?  What reasons did he have to continue protesting and filming?  What would you have done if you had been in his situation?

Gibreel Why does the film focus so much on Gibreel (Emad's youngest son)?  What purpose does it serve when telling the story of the town of Bil'in?  What does Gibreel represent?  What is the rest of his life going to be like?  How has his view of the world been shaped?  What are his attitudes about the world going to be like when he gets older?

America - What is America's role in this movie?  Is America responsible for anything that happens in this film?  Could America stop what is happening in this film?  Can you think of similar situations to what is happening in the West Bank that have happened in American history?  What about in America today?

Due date
Thursday, February 23, end of class