Tuesday, October 28, 2014

1st quarter final exam study guide


You are allowed to write an outline for the essay question.  You may use the outline during the essay portion of the exam, but you are not allowed to use any other notes during the exam.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

1% infraction list

1% for each infraction:

  • There/their/they’re
  • You’re/your
  • To/too
  • Not capitalizing a proper noun like Nigeria or Belgium or Shell Oil or The Holocaust
  • Not capitalizing the first word in a sentence
  • Not putting a period at the end of a sentence
  • “loose” instead of “lose”
  • “defiantly” instead of “definitely”
  • “alot” instead of “a lot”
  • “barley” instead of “barely”
  • Misspelling the name of a country or a people – “the Belgiums” is totally unacceptable
  • Things that spell check would have caught, like “rtes” instead of “rates”
  • “King Leopard” instead of “King Leopold” – sometimes spell check is wrong, guys
  • “of” instead of “off”
  • “I” instead of “if” or “in”
  • “f” instead of “if” or “of”
  • “board” instead of “bored”
  • “go” instead of “got”

Homework: Problems and solutions in the Congo

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 23

Read "Independence Day: Fifth Year after Lumumba Speech, DRC's Riches Still Not Benefiting her Children" and take margin notes - https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/publications/ethics_online/0046.html/:pf_printable

Post a response to the Google Group (minimum 500 words) answering the following questions:

1) What are the worst problems facing the Congo today?

2) How should the Congo try to start dealing with those problems?

Due date
Margin notes and response due on Monday, Oct. 27

In class/homework: Vice Guide to Congo

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 23

Watch Vice Guide to Congo - http://www.vice.com/vice-news/the-vice-guide-to-congo-full-length

Period 1 left off at 13:13
Period 3 did not start it
Period 4 left off at 18:50

Write 10 questions that occur to you while watching this documentary.

Due date
Monday, Oct. 27

In class: Lumumba's speech

Date assigned
Tuesday, Oct. 21

Read Patrice Lumumba's speech from the ceremony where Belgium granted independence to the Congo.  Answer the following questions:

1) What are the themes and messages from Lumumba's speech?  Use examples from the text.

2) How do you think the people of the Congo reacted to Lumumba's speech?  Use examples from the text.

3) How do you think the government of Belgium reacted to Lumumba's speech?  Use examples from the text.

4) How do you think the government of the United States reacted to Lumumba's speech?  Use examples from the text.

Due date
Tuesday, Oct. 21

In class: Belgian reparations free write

Date assigned
Monday, Oct. 20

Write half a page on the following question: "Does Belgium owe anything to the Congo today?  If so, why?  If not, why not?"

Due date
Monday, Oct. 20

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework: The Reckoning

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 16

Read the "The Reckoning" excerpt from King Leopold's Ghost.  Be prepared to discuss it in class on Monday.  Take margin notes by Monday and answer the questions by Tuesday.

Due date
Read and take margin notes by the beginning of class on Monday, Oct. 20
Questions by the beginning of class on Tuesday, Oct. 21

Homework: The Wood That Weeps

Date assigned
Thursday, Oct. 9

Read the "The Wood That Weeps" excerpt from King Leopold's Ghost.  Be prepared to discuss it in class on Monday.  Take margin notes by Monday and answer the questions by Tuesday.

Due date
Read and take margin notes by the beginning of class on Monday, Oct. 13
Questions by the beginning of class on Tuesday, Oct. 14

Monday, October 13, 2014

Project: African film assignment

Date assigned
Monday, October 13

The African film assignment can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c00UP7urUs5b5rxdT_rhQO0jO-Yfm9uNELJO-RHBU9A/pub

Due date
Tuesday, November 4

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Crazy Thursday schedule (10/9)

1st period - 8:15-9:37
8:15-8:39 - 1st period
8:44-9:08 - 3rd period
9:13-9:37 - 4th period

2nd period - 9:42-11:04

Lunch - 11:04-11:34

11:39-12:32 - 3rd period

12:37-1:30 - 4th period

1:35-2:28 - 1st period

Tutorial - 2:28-3:15

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Keeping up with the news

Democracy Now - http://www.democracynow.org/

Al Jazeera - http://america.aljazeera.com/

Slate - http://www.slate.com/

The Young Turks - http://www.tytnetwork.com/

ProPublica - http://www.propublica.org/

Mother Jones - http://www.motherjones.com/

The Nation - http://www.thenation.com/

TomDispatch - http://www.tomdispatch.com/

Vice - http://www.vice.com/en_us

Informed Comment - http://www.juancole.com/

Truthout - http://www.truth-out.org/

TruthDig - http://www.truthdig.com/

The Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/us

New York Times - http://www.nytimes.com/

Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com/

National Public Radio - http://www.npr.org/

Wall Street Journal - http://online.wsj.com/home-page

BBC - http://www.bbc.com/news/

MSNBC - http://www.msnbc.com/

Fox News - http://www.foxnews.com/

Nigeria slide presentations and photo essay

In class/homework: Wiwa v. Shell

Date assigned
Tuesday, October 7

Watch the YouTube video Wiwa v. Shell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9NAzoj7h9o&safe=active

1st period - Already watched in class
3rd period - Watch at home
4th period - Watch at home

Be prepared to discuss in class.

Due date
Thursday, October 9

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework: Nigerian independence

Date assigned
Thursday, October 2

You're going to create a new Nigeria.  In 1960, Nigeria finally got independence from Britain.  Taking on the role of your ethnic group (Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, or Igbo), how should an independent Nigeria look and operate?

You're going to create a map with:
-Regional borders and names
-Star symbol for national capital
-1000 miles of road (note: Ibadan to Enugu is 250 miles)
-Type of government, their symbol, and their motto
-Relationship with the British?

You're also going to create:
-Nigerian flag
-Nigerian pledge of allegiance

Rough draft of map on handout, then final draft on blank paper.

Due date
Monday, October 6