Wednesday, February 24, 2016

In class/homework: Bush's War

Date assigned
Monday, February 22

Finish watching the PBS Frontline episode "Bush's War" that we started in class:

Period 1 - start at 1:31:30
Period 3 - start at 1:24:30
Period 4 - start at 1:19:45

Take notes while watching on the following question: Why did the US government invade Iraq after 9/11?

In at least 300 words, answer the following on Canvas:

According to this episode of Frontline, why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?  Mention as many reasons as you can.

Due date
Friday, February 26

Thursday, February 18, 2016

In class: 9/11

Just another day -

The initial bulletins -

The south tower attack -

South tower collapse -

North tower collapse -

Aerial photos -

The hijackers -

My Pet Goat -

Earlier Al Qaeda attacks

In class/homework: Osama bin Laden's Letter to America

Date assigned
Thursday, February 18

Read the first half of Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" found here - - you can read the second half if you want, but it's not required). 

In no less than 300 words, answer the following:

1) Summarize bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the United States.  Why did he do it?

2) Based on bin Laden's stated reasons for attacking the US, do you think this attack could have been prevented?  If so, how?

3) OPTIONAL: Can you reason with religious fanatics?  If so, how?  If not, then how else can they be dealt with?

Due date
Monday, February 22

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Homework: Iran/Iraq War

Date assigned
Thursday, February 11

1) Read this summary of the Iran-Iraq War: (Links to an external site.)

2) Answer the following questions in at least 200 words:
  • In your opinion, should the United States get involved in conflicts between two other countries?  Why or why not?
  • Based on what you know of the Cold War, why do you think the United States got involved in the Iran-Iraq War?

Due date
Tuesday, February 16

Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework: Interview questions

Date assigned
Friday, Feb. 5

Write 10 interview questions for each of the three session that you're attending at the career fair (30 questions total).  Your three sessions are listed in the table below.  Bring the questions to the career fair on Tuesday so that you can take notes on the same paper.

Due date
Tuesday, Feb. 9

First nameLast name1st choice2nd choice3rd choice
EllaBruckeragriculturearchitecturehealth sciences
KaiaRobbinsArchitecture/constHospitality/tourismArts, AV
abbyriceArchitecture/constBusiness managescience
MiloStritzelArchitecture/constinfo technologyhospitality
SheaVan Butlerart Manufacturingtechnology
SebastianSackArts, AVBusiness manageFinance
MiraKulkarniArts, AVHuman servicesHospitality
zachvelascoArts, AVlaw/public safetyscience
emma freedmanArts, AVhealth sciencemanufactoring
EllaDemerittarts, tech, communicationeducationgovernment
JonahHermanBusinessLaw/public safetyMarketing
CharlotteCacayorinEducationHospitality/tourismHuman services
EvaBungerEducationBusiness managearts av
GiovanniCunninghamFinanceManufacturingAgri, food, natural
EmmaLickeyGov and pub adminSTEMAgri, food, natural
Priyaboucher-colbertgovernmentpublic safetyeducation
harper eatongovernmenthospitalitymarketing
FarrahTylergovernmentlaw/public safetyhealth science
WarnerSchrackgovernmentinfo technologyscience/tech
GwenBairdHealth scienceMarketingHuman services
SamCareyHealth scienceHuman serviceseducation
Henry voss-rothmierhealth scienceeducationlaw
AshleyKrepshealth sciencehuman serviceslaw
BrooksMccauleyhealth sciencesfinancegovernment
abe mcmullenhospitalitybusinessarts
NamNguyenHospitality/tourismHuman servicesLaw, public safety
EmmaMathewsonhuman serviceshealth scienceeducation
IsabelleHernandezhuman servicesarts/tech and communicationsEducation
MilenaSeverahuman serviceseducationhospitality
granthendricksoninformationscience techfinance
EllisZehnderinformationgovernment marketing
MarvinLimITMarketingLaw, public safety
AidanDrippsITSTEMTransportation distri
bethanytamayITpublic safetymanufacturing
NaiaKenneyLaw/Public safetyHuman servicesEducation
AkiraNakumaraLaw/Public safetyhospitalityarchitecture
la'don archiemarketinggovernment health science
chandanishrestamarketingpublic safetynational security
MossColeymarketinggovernment science/tech
AidanMorrispublic safetyManufacturingTransportation distri
PiperBehnytransportationgovernment Human services
EmmaClarktransportationhospitalitypublic safety
AntonioMoralesHealth ScienceInfo technologyScience/tech
EmilyReeveEducationHospitality/tourismInfo technology
AndreTharpScience techInfo technologyarchitecture
DaweiCunninghamPublic safetyHealth scienceFinance
AmayaAldridgePublic safetyMarketingGovernment

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework: Chapter 14.4 outline

Date assigned
Monday, February 1

Read chapter 14.4 in the textbook.  For each subsection, each section, and the chapter as a whole, write a one sentence summary (15 total sentences).

Due date
Wednesday, February 3, beginning of class