Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Homework: Industrial Revolution round robin

Date assigned
Thursday, September 11

Read one of the four Industrial Revolution readings:

Group 1 - Students by the windows, closest to Mr. Reinholt's desk.  You'll read Britain's Industrial Advantage and answer the questions about it:

Group 2 - Students by the windows, closest to the chalkboard.  You'll read testimony from child workers from an Industrial Revolution textile factory and answer the questions about it:

Group 3 - Students by the white board, closest to the chalkboard.  You'll read testimony from women from an Industrial Revolution coal mine and answer the questions about it:

Group 4 - Students by the white board, closest to the door.  You'll read Prostitution in Victorian London and answer the questions about it:

Be prepared to discuss your article in class on Monday.  Post the answers to your article's questions on the Google Group.

Due date
Monday, September 15

1 comment:

  1. 1. The women in the coal mines worked the same jobs for the same number of ours as the men; twelve hour days. The work was physically very hard and dangerous. The pay was low and not always the same, and they did not get enough to eat or drink and were probably malnourished.

    2. The three worst things about working in the coal mine were the risk of sexual harassment and assault, the hard and dangerous physical labor and having to give birth and raise children.

    3. Women in the coal mines had to work while pregnant and worry about being attacked and sexually assaulted in a dark mine shaft. They still had families to take care of when they got home after working for 12 hours, and were probably not physically as strong as a grown man. Men never had to think about working while pregnant.

    4. Working conditions were as bad as anything I could imagine for the women, but also were bad for the men. The situation could have been improved by making safety regulations, laws about hours and pay, providing healthcare and education to the workers and making sure the work was supervised better. Basically everything about this situation was bad and needed to be fixed.


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