Tuesday, February 21, 2017

In class: "5 Broken Cameras"

Date assigned
Tuesday, February 21

If you missed class, first sign up for an account at dropbox.com - it's free.  Then finish watching "5 Broken Cameras" - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vu0lrqzm685laz6/geckos-5bc2011-xvid.avi?dl=0 

When you finish the film, write a response for 7-8 minutes (if you miss class, your response should be at least 250 words typed and emailed to me).  Your response can be about anything, but if you get stuck, here are some possible topics:

Your reactions - What surprised you about this film?  What disturbed you about this film?  What was the most tragic thing about this film?  What is going to stick with you from this film?

Emad - Should Emad have quit filming and protesting when his wife Soraya asked him to?  What reasons did he have to quit at that point?  What reasons did he have to continue protesting and filming?  What would you have done if you had been in his situation?

Gibreel Why does the film focus so much on Gibreel (Emad's youngest son)?  What purpose does it serve when telling the story of the town of Bil'in?  What does Gibreel represent?  What is the rest of his life going to be like?  How has his view of the world been shaped?  What are his attitudes about the world going to be like when he gets older?

America - What is America's role in this movie?  Is America responsible for anything that happens in this film?  Could America stop what is happening in this film?  Can you think of similar situations to what is happening in the West Bank that have happened in American history?  What about in America today?

Due date
Thursday, February 23, end of class

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